Economic Studies

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  • Optimization and Economic appraisal for water resources development plans and other infrastructure projects
  • Optimization and Economic appraisal for renewable energy generation plans
  • Estimating economic value of water for different uses
  • Estimating economic value of electricity produced by hydropower plants and other renewable energies
  • Economic productivity assessment
  • Virtual water studies and water safety
  • Water market studies
  • Water tariff design
  • Low carbon economy (LCE)
  • Environmental impacts valuation of projects based on SEIA instructions
  • Feasibility of using environmental revenues for emission reduction projects such as GHG, considering market based mechanisms such Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and international financial facilities in international agreements framework
  • Documentation in order to finance Clean Development Mechanism projects from international resources
  • Financial analyzing and planning for infrastructure projects based on view point of investors and executing agencies
  • Studies, preparing documents and required processes for financing projects by different approaches such as bonds and international finance
  • Preparing documents for getting permit, preparing some part of tender documents and financial models of Private-Public Partnership (PPP)for infrastructure plans such as BOO and BOT
  • Finance consultancy services to private investors and preparing bankable feasibility reports
  • Preparing national instructions and guidelines